An animated adaptation of Charles Baudelaire’s poem “Don Juan in Hades”.
Award for the Pitch Contest – 21st Sommets du Cinéma d’Animation (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Vivien Forsans remporte le 4e Concours de pitchs des Sommets du cinéma d’animation – Le Lien Multimédia
A man searches through documents of an unknown USB key and discovers a strange series of recordings.
26th Fantasia festival features 17 films by Concordians – Concordia
Bedroom People live Q&A for Plein(s) Écran(s) – Plein(s) Écran(s)
[Plein(s) Écran(s)] 2023 — Jour 2 – Le Petit Septième
Entrevues – Vivien Forsans, réalisateur – Radio Web et Médias du Collège Stanislas
Bedroom People // Vivien FORSANS // Interview – Festival International du Film d’Animation d’Annecy
The story of a mother who died four years after giving birth to her only son, a father who raised him through grief and trauma, and a boy lost in the forest.
France, 2012. A teenage boy tells an intimate secret to a friend, but quickly regrets it while watching the news.
A bunch of creatures are trying to relax after a long day.
Q&A with Vivien Forsans – EFN Winter Edition – Emerging Filmmakers Night
A story of boredom, friendship, and alcohol.
High School Graduation short film.